Leeds White Rose Rotary Breakfast Club

Monday, September 01, 2008

Our new website is


go there for all info!!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Meeting of Leeds White Rose Rotary Club
7.30am, Wednesday 20 February 2008 at Mal Maison, Leeds

1. Attendance
a. Rotarians – Michelle Render (President), Babs Hendy (President Elect), Chris Goodwin (Secretary), Martyn Duffield, Uell Kennedy, Paul Duncan, Phil Turner
b. Apologies – David Rhodes, Curly Uppington, Richard Apps
c. Guests – Jacquie Cross, NSPCC (Speaker)
2. Rotary Business
a. MR announced that Martyn Duffield had agreed to be President Elect in 2008-2009 (President 2009 – 2010). The Club were delighted that he had accepted
b. Curly, Michelle and Janice and ‘Elvis’ have not yet been able to meet to progress ‘The Big Event’
c. The signatories for the bank account still need to be updated
d. BH gave an update on the RYLA developments and working with Leeds Club
e. CG reminded the Club about the Technology Tournament
3. Speaker – Jacquie Cross, Corporate Fundraising Manager, NSPCC/Childline
An excellent and informative presentation made by Jacquie that highlighted the importance of their work and the issues that they have to face.

Thanks to Jacquie for attending.

Meeting of Leeds White Rose Rotary Club
7.30am, Wednesday 13 February 2008 at Mal Maison, Leeds

1. Attendance
a. Rotarians – Michelle Render (President), Chris Goodwin (Secretary), Martyn Duffield, David Rhodes, Uell Kennedy, Paul Duncan, Deborah Snowden
b. Apologies – Babs, Curly
c. Guests - Michelle
2. Rotary Business
d. - MR to recirculate the Leeds Ahead form
e. Membership cheques had been received for 2 new Rotarians – Deborah Snowden and John Greenhough. A formal welcome would be made when they next attend an event
f. CU, JC and MR to meet with ‘Elvis’ and performers that JC knows to further discuss
3. Speaker – Uell Kennedy, Leeds Community Foundation


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Calendar of Events - 2008

Speaker / Topic

7.15am, Wednesday 16 January 2008
Melvyn Sumroy, Rtn and Member of District Foundation, the not-for-profit group that enables Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty
Mal Maison, Leeds
7.15am, Wednesday 23 January 2008
Breakfast meeting and business update
Mal Maison, Leeds
Fri 25 January 2008
‘Burns Night’ Celebrations. An action-packed traditional evening – but with extra fun! Tickets are £30 which includes B&B. RSVP to Uell ASAP

Lineham Farm
7pm, Wednesday 30 January 2008
EVENING MEETING - SPEAKER: Geoff Wray, Regional Director, Charity Bank – invitation extended to Leeds Club
12.15pm Thurs 31 Jan 2008
Rotary Club of Crossgates – Invite to meet the President of RIBI, Allan Jagger and District Governor Ken Robertshaw for lunch. £10. RSVP CrossGatesSec@aol.com

The Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Mill View Green, Seacroft, Leeds

7.15am, Wednesday 6 Feb 2008
Breakfast meeting. SPEAKER: Richard Apps ‘Around the World in 25 minutes’ - TBC

7.15am, Wednesday 13 Feb 2008
Breakfast meeting: SPEAKER: Sally Anne Greenfield, Leeds Community Foundation – TBC

7.15am, Wednesday 20 Feb 2008
Breakfast meeting. SPEAKER: Jacquie Cross, Corporate Fundraising Manager (North), NSPCC

7pm Sat 23 Feb 2008
Rotary Club of Elland ~ President’s Evening. RIBI President & DG in attendance. £30. RSVP dianepark@tiscali.c.uk
Berties Banqueting Rooms, Elland
6.30pm, Wednesday 27 Feb 2008
EVENING MEETING – to be arranged


6.45pm Thurs 6 March 2008
Rotary Club of Leeds Elmete ~ 28th Charter Celebration. Speaker Mrs Chris Outram, CEO, Leeds Primary Care Trust. £20. RSVP Bill Jones Tel: 0113 261 0330
The Oaks Room, Wike Ridge Inn, Leeds Golf Centre
7.30pm Sat 8 March 2008
Rotary Club of Wetherby & District ~ 50th Anniversary Charter Dinner. Speaker – Ian McCaskill. £27.50. RSVP – mike.armitage@btinternet.com
The Bridge Inn, Walshford


‘The Show’
Leeds City Varieties - TBC


Meeting of Leeds White Rose Rotary Club
7.30am, Wednesday 16 January 2008 at Mal Maison, Leeds

1. Attendance
a. Rotarians – Michelle Render (President), Chris Goodwin (Secretary), Uell Kennedy (Sergeant at Arms), Martyn Duffield, Vicky Szulist (Secretary), Paul Duncan, Phil Turner, Janice Colley
b. Guests – David Rhodes
c. Speaker – Melvyn Sumroy
d. Apols –Babs Hendry, Curly Uppington
2. Rotary Business
a. No formal business due to Speaker
3. Excellent and very informative presentation made by Melvyn on Foundation. Next week the Club will discuss our contribution to Foundation and next steps
Next week - no speaker, however we will formally welcome David Rhodes as a new Rotarian and member of Leeds White Rose Rotary


Meeting of Leeds White Rose Rotary Club
7.30am, Wednesday 9 January 2008 at Mal Maison, Leeds – Happy New Year!

1. Attendance
a. Rotarians – Michelle Render (President), Chris Goodwin (Secretary), Uell Kennedy (Sergeant at Arms), Martyn Duffield
b. Guests – David Rhodes, Debbie Green
c. Apols –Babs Hendry
2. Rotary Business
a. Nice letter received back from the Golden Lion; they are sorry that we have moved but keen to have us back if circumstances change
b. MR had received lots of notices abut forthcoming events. These will be added into our calendar in blue. If you want to attend let MR know and we will book as a Group
c. A free ad had gone in the Business Diary of the Yorkshire Post before Xmas for a new recruits event. 1 expression of interest – Adrian Cudby, RBS. MR will stay in contact.
d. David Rhodes to become a new Rotarian. MR to arrange the paperwork an CG will assist with the ‘formalities’ of inductions/welcoming David
e. CU has emailed to say that Leeds City Varieties can’t do the date after all, so this will need to be re-arranged. MR suggests that a specific meeting is arranged with Elvis to discuss. MR to set up
3. Forthcoming events – see attached schedule
4. Next week we have speaker RTN Melvyn Sumroy speaking at breakfast. Good turnout if possible please


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Calendar of Events - 2007/2008

Speaker / Topic

7.15am, Wednesday 12 December 2007
Breakfast meeting – hosted by Babs

Mal Maison, Leeds
7.15am, Wednesday 19 December 2007
Breakfast meeting – ‘Leeds White Rose’ Christmas Quiz. Ken Robertshaw will be our Guest.


Mal Maison, Leeds


7.15am, Wednesday 9 January 2008
Breakfast meeting – ‘What is Rotary and what can I do to help?’ A morning event for guests, and new members alike that will demonstrate the role and work of Rotary, and how you can get involved.

Mal Maison, Leeds
7.15am, Wednesday 16 January 2008
Melvyn Sumroy, Rtn and Member of District Foundation, the not-for-profit group that enables Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty
Mal Maison, Leeds
7.15am, Wednesday 23 January 2008
Breakfast meeting. SPEAKER: Jacquie Cross, Corporate Fundraising Manager (North), NSPCC -
Mal Maison, Leeds
Fri 25 January 2008
‘Burns Night’ Celebrations. An action-packed traditional evening – but with extra fun! Tickets are £30 which includes B&B. RSVP to Uell ASAP

Lineham Farm
7pm, Wednesday 30 January 2008
EVENING MEETING - SPEAKER: Geoff Wray, Regional Director, Charity Bank – invitation extended to Leeds Club

7.15am, Wednesday 6 Feb 2008
Breakfast meeting. SPEAKER: Richard Apps ‘Around the World in 25 minutes’ - TBC

7.15am, Wednesday 13 Feb 2008
Breakfast meeting: SPEAKER: Sally Anne Greenfield, Leeds Community Foundation – TBC

7.15am, Wednesday 20 Feb 2008
Breakfast meeting – Planning meeting for ‘The Show’

6.30pm, Wednesday 27 Feb 2008
EVENING MEETING – to be arranged



7.30pm, Thurs 17 April 2008
‘The Show’
Leeds City Varieties - TBC


Meeting of Leeds White Rose Rotary Club
7.30am, Wednesday 5 December 2007 at Mal Maison, Leeds

1. Attendance
a. Rotarians – Rotarians– Michelle Render (President), Chris Goodwin (Secretary), Uell Kennedy (Sergeant at Arms), Curly Uppington, Martyn Duffield
b. Apols –Babs Hendry
2. Rotary Business
a. CU will book Leeds City Varieties. It was reiterated the importance of having some other acts as support (maybe 3 supporting acts each of 20 minutes, interval then Elvis for 50-60 minutes). MR to ask Elvis to arrange a backing group
b. UK distributed a quiz. To enter costs £2 and answers would be announced on the 19th December.
c. CG raised the suggestion of collecting extra Club funds which would pay for speakers and guests. It was agreed as a good idea. Initiatives to collect Club funds were welcome e.g. Uell’s quiz
d. A reminder that the bank signatories need to be updated – Action BH, CU
e. It was proposed that we officially host our events at Mal Maison. This was seconded by CG and unanimously supported
3. Forthcoming events – see attached schedule
Curly will host next week's meeting and Babs the week after.
Meeting of Leeds White Rose Rotary Club
7.30am, Wednesday 21 November 2007 at Mal Maison, Leeds
1. Attendance a. Rotarians – Rotarians– Michelle Render (President), Chris Goodwin (Secretary), Uell Kennedy (Sergeant at Arms), Curly Uppington
b. Guests – David Rhodes c. Apols – Martyn Duffield, Babs Hendry, Paul Duncan 2. Rotary Business a. MR to advise Rotary District of new venue, although the move has not been made official just as yet. Contact to be also made with the Golden Lion Hotel to inform them <> and offer feedback. Action MR
b. McMillan Cancer Support to be followed up for a presentation in 2008 (MR). Uell will arrange Leeds Community Foundation for 13 Feb 2008
c. UK updated members on progress for Burns Night Fri 25th Jan 2008 – info to be circulated. NOTE DATE d. ‘The Show’ – it was agreed that Thursday 17 April is the preferred date with 10th being the next option. Talks being progressed with Leeds College of Music (UK), Leeds City Varieties (CU), and Elvis and John Hotowka (MR). Post meeting note ….. John Hotowka has confirmed that he is OK with the 17 April 2008
3. Forthcoming events – see attached schedule 4. Next week is an evening meeting - no breakfast meeting. We are delighted to have the Jo Shepeard from Lineham Farm as our speaker. Venue Mal Maison at 6.30pm. 2 course meal. Price £20. RSVP ASAP
Michelle Render - Divisional Director

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Calendar of Events - 2007/2008

Speaker / Topic

7.15am, Wednesday 21 November 2007
Breakfast meeting - Update and progress meeting for ‘The Show’ our BIG Fundraising event for 2007/2008. Need to agree next steps and book

Mal Maison, Leeds
6.30pm, Wednesday 28 November 2007
Evening event - SPEAKER : Jo Shepheard, Fundraising Manager, Lineham Farm Children's Centre. £20 for a 2-course meal. RSVP to babsehendry@btopenworld.com

Mal Maison, Leeds
7pm, Friday 30 November 2007
An evening to celebrate Christmas! Be there – with bells on! Meet from 7pm for drinks, followed by dinner served from 7.30pm. 3 course menu - £30. Drinks available to buy from the bar.

Confirmations needed by Wed 21 November 2007. RSVP to michelle.render@yorkplace.com

Restaurant Bar & Grill, City Square, Leeds

7.15am, Wednesday 5 December 2007
Breakfast meeting

Mal Maison, Leeds
7.15am, Wednesday 12 December 2007
Breakfast meeting – hosted by Babs

Mal Maison, Leeds
7.15am, Wednesday 19 December 2007
Breakfast meeting – ‘Leeds White Rose’ Christmas Quiz


Mal Maison, Leeds


7.15am, Wednesday 9 January 2008
Breakfast meeting

Mal Maison, Leeds
7.15am, Wednesday 16 January 2008
Melvyn Sumroy, Rtn and Member of District Foundation, the not-for-profit group that enables Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty
Mal Maison, Leeds
7.15am, Wednesday 23 January 2008
Breakfast meeting. SPEAKER: Jacquie Cross, Corporate Fundraising Manager (North), NSPCC -
Mal Maison, Leeds
Sat 26 January 2008
‘Burns Night’ Celebratons

Lineham Farm
7pm, Wednesday 30 January 2008
EVENING MEETING - SPEAKER: Geoff Wray, Regional Director, Charity Bank -

7.15am, Wednesday 6 Feb 2008
Breakfast meeting. SPEAKER: Richard Apps ‘Around the World in 25 minutes’ - TBC

Meeting of Leeds White Rose Rotary Club – Speaker STEPHANIE BURRAS, LEEDS AHEAD
7.30am, Wednesday 14 November 2007 at Mal Maison, Leeds

1. Attendance
a. Rotarians– Michelle Render (President), Babs Hendry (President Elect), Chris Goodwin (Secretary), Uell Kennedy (Sergeant at Arms), Janice Colley, Richard Apps, Paul Duncan
b. Guests – Stephanie Burras (speaker), David Rhodes
c. Apols – Martyn Duffield
2. Rotary Business
a. Names needed for
i. Evening event on Wed 28 Nov – Jo Shepeard of Lineham Farm is the speaker. RSVP to Bab please. Numbers limited to 20 on a first come first served basis
ii. Xmas meal on Fri 30 Nov – RSVP to Michelle please. 16 names thus far – Michelle Render, John Greenhough, Babs Hendry, Chris & Sally Goodwin, Uell & Jean Kennedy, Paul and Ali Duncan, Curly and Malc, Andrea Dodd (guest of MR), Hannah Scott and partner, Adrian Lewis (Lineham Farm), Richard Apps
b. Further to Stephanie’s excellent and motivating presentation, MR will circulate a table for members to complete so a collective skills audit can be carried out so MR can sign the Club up to Leeds Ahead. Members to also include how much time they can devote and when. Form to follow.
c. MAL MAISON TO BE THE CLUB’S NEW VENUE. MR will tell Anita and out of courtesy will inform The Golden Lion
d. Next week – Apols from BH and RA. DR will be attending again next week.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Dear AllJust a quick reminder that we are meeting on Wednesday at the Private Dining room at Mal Maison, over the road from The Golden Lion. The room is at the back of the restaurant. Superb full breakfasts are available. The hotel have asked that cooked breakfast orders are placed by 7.30am if possible; this is more for our benefit so that we all eat together and so that we keep to our timings. A few more guests are joining us, so we could have a good turnout. There are 2 main items on the agenda for Wednesday:1 - our main event for 2007/2008, specifically date, venue, theme2 - thoughts on Mal Maison as a potential new venue; no decision needs to be made yet, however your thoughts are welcome. Key factors are - welcoming environment, space, service, price, modern. Thoughts welcome.See you on Wednesday.If you are not able to attend kindly let Chris and I know.Michelle


Monday, October 29, 2007

Malmaison Leeds

We’re little more than a five minute stroll from Harvey Nichols (10 minutes if you’ve been on that shopping spree you promised yourself) and a two minute taxi ride from Leeds Central. simply put LS1 4AG into your Global Positioning Hot Hotel Seeking System.

1 SwinegateLeedsLS1 4AG
Tel: 0113 398 1000

Dear All
Following on from a meeting I have had this morning with Malmaison, we will try 2 weeks on Wednesday 7th and Wednesday 14th of November 2007 at Malmaison - over the road from The Golden Lion. The venue is nice, modern, welcoming, private and they have offered us a discounted fee.
I have negotiated a special price of £10 per head (normally £13.50) to include continental and or/fully cooked breakfast and tea or coffee. Just tea or coffee is £2.50. We will have the Private Dining Room in the Brasserie for the meetings; a larger room can be made available at no charge if we are doing a bigger presentation - the only fee we will have is breakfast per person.
We need to place breakfast orders by 7.30am ideally, so to have an idea of numbers would be a fantastic help.
Let’s give it a go and see how we get on. See you on Wednesday 7 November at Malmaison. One of their staff will be on hand to show us round. We have a speaker on the 14th.


Wednesday 24 October 2007
1. Attendance – MR, CG, BH, UK, JC and Caroline Coward from The Business Network 2. Update on Rotary conference from Babs and Chris 3. MR has a positive meeting with incoming President of Junior Chamber, Julia Goodfellow. There is the possibility of sharing the promotion of a Business Lecture. JCI to consider and feedback to MR
4. Rotary Young Chef – 5. BH proposed that we increase the signatories to the cheque book. This was agreed to be Babs, Chris and Michelle
6. MR will be submitting a proposal to Anita Rayner for her to submit to the region recommending the use of a PR agency
7. MR suggested that the next meeting on Wed 7 November is used as a BRAINSTORMING and ACTION SETTING session for our BIG event. CU has passed on feedback that City Variety thinks that Elvis is not the vest venue for such an event. Venue and date needs to be booked ASAP
8. MR is visiting Mal Maison to enquire about a new venue – watch this space! 9. Forthcoming dates: a. Fri 26th October 2007 – Lunch. 12 noon at Golden Lion. DG visit. Names to MR please - so far CG, BH, CU, MR, PD + Grandad
b. Wed 7 Nov 2007 – Morning breakfast meeting. Planning meeting for our BIG event c. Fri 9th Nov 2007 – Wetherby & District’s 50th Charter Night d. Wed 14th November 200 – Morning breakfast meeting. Speaker: Stephanie Burras of Leeds Ahead e. Fri 30th November 2007 – Xmas meal. Restaurant Bar & Grill f. Wed 16 Jan 2008 – Morning breakfast meeting. Speaker Melvyn Sumroy, Rtn and Member of District Foundation, the not-for-profit group that enables Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty


Wednesday 17 October 2007

1. Attendance – MR, MD, JC, VS, guests Angeli Sharma (guest of JC) & John Khan (guest of MR)
2. Rotary Conference - MR could not attend due to sick bug. BH/CG to give feedback next week
3. Each member present introduced themselves and the guests also introduced themselves
4. For the benefit of our guests, MD gave a very informative overview of Lineham Farm; the background, aims & objectives and activities
5. Diary dates:
a. Fri 26th October 2007 – Lunch. 12 noon at Golden Lion. DG visit. Names to MR please - so far CG, BH, CU, MR, PD + guest maybe
b. Fri 9th Nov 2007 – Wetherby & District’s 50th Charter Night
c. Wed 14th November 200 – Morning breakfast meeting. Speaker: Stephanie Burras of Leeds Ahead
d. Fri 30th November 2007 – Xmas meal. Restaurant Bar & Grill

Apols for next week – MD (for the next 5 weeks)
