Leeds White Rose Rotary Breakfast Club

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Meeting of Leeds White Rose Rotary Club
7.30am, Wednesday 20 February 2008 at Mal Maison, Leeds

1. Attendance
a. Rotarians – Michelle Render (President), Babs Hendy (President Elect), Chris Goodwin (Secretary), Martyn Duffield, Uell Kennedy, Paul Duncan, Phil Turner
b. Apologies – David Rhodes, Curly Uppington, Richard Apps
c. Guests – Jacquie Cross, NSPCC (Speaker)
2. Rotary Business
a. MR announced that Martyn Duffield had agreed to be President Elect in 2008-2009 (President 2009 – 2010). The Club were delighted that he had accepted
b. Curly, Michelle and Janice and ‘Elvis’ have not yet been able to meet to progress ‘The Big Event’
c. The signatories for the bank account still need to be updated
d. BH gave an update on the RYLA developments and working with Leeds Club
e. CG reminded the Club about the Technology Tournament
3. Speaker – Jacquie Cross, Corporate Fundraising Manager, NSPCC/Childline
An excellent and informative presentation made by Jacquie that highlighted the importance of their work and the issues that they have to face.

Thanks to Jacquie for attending.

Meeting of Leeds White Rose Rotary Club
7.30am, Wednesday 13 February 2008 at Mal Maison, Leeds

1. Attendance
a. Rotarians – Michelle Render (President), Chris Goodwin (Secretary), Martyn Duffield, David Rhodes, Uell Kennedy, Paul Duncan, Deborah Snowden
b. Apologies – Babs, Curly
c. Guests - Michelle
2. Rotary Business
d. - MR to recirculate the Leeds Ahead form
e. Membership cheques had been received for 2 new Rotarians – Deborah Snowden and John Greenhough. A formal welcome would be made when they next attend an event
f. CU, JC and MR to meet with ‘Elvis’ and performers that JC knows to further discuss
3. Speaker – Uell Kennedy, Leeds Community Foundation
